Monday, March 18, 2024

Ironwood Gorge - Chapter 3 - Lady Anwen

Iron Gauntlets


This is a solo play-through of the adventure “Ironwood Gorge” by Eric Jones, published by Ludibrium Games.

Because I am not really an old-school guy, things have been converted to (originally) Iron Gauntlets by Precis Intermedia Games and after about chapter 6, Iron & Gold, also by Precis Intermedia Games. Where necessary, I use Mythic Game Master Emulator by Tana Pigeon, published by Word Mill Games.

This is the second Ludibrium Games module I’ve used for these characters, and I enjoy them. (The first was “The Sanctuary Ruin.”)

As usual, rules misunderstandings are mine and I try to present it as (bad) fiction, with game mechanics in footnotes. The italicized subtitles after the chapter title are prompts from Mythic Game Master Emulator; I try to work the intent into the scene. I am not always successful, but it keeps me a bit more honest.

“Ironwood Gorge” is meant to be the basis for a campaign, where the Bleak Tower is a home base for adventures. I have not yet decided whether I will do that; there could be additional Bleak Tower adventures, or they'll wander away until the third adventure in the trilogy is published.

3 - Lady Anwen

Starting Dreams (Move Toward A Thread)

Lady Anwen’s room was on the third floor. The seneschal excused himself to speak with Lady Anwen privately.[13] Ninefingers couldn’t make out any of the conversation through the heavy door. He could tell that he was imploring and she was icy; that was all.

After a few moments he came out and said, “The Lady accepts your presence.”

Kagandis stepped in and Ninefingers followed.

The room was quite comfortable: there was a small hearth against an interior wall, a four-poster bed hidden by curtains, and a wide bookshelf. In another corner was a wardrobe, and to one side was a half-completed dress on a dressmaker’s dummy. The dress looked like silk. The exterior wall was covered by a tapestry; Ninefingers recognized the subject: The Siege of the Capitol, a classical event from long before any other human country had broken away from the empire. The wall to the center had a peaked window of stained glass that looked down on the tower’s courtyard.

“My lady,” said Onomaclus, “this is the Officer Kagandis, and Ninefingers, who will provide such translation as is needed.”

She nodded to him while looking at Kagandis. The seneschal regarded them until finally Lady Anwen said, “You may be excused, husband.”

This was apparently an old rebuke, because Onomaclus said, “As you wish,” and withdrew.[14]

Once the door was shut, Lady Anwen said, in accented goblin, “Forgive the rudeness, but are you Aprak?”

Kagandis looked at her, then at Ninefingers, then back to her. “I am not, but he is. You speak our tongue quite passably. I am Kagandis; he goes by Ninefingers.”

Ninefingers said, “It is a name less burdened by my family.”

Lady Anwen smiled. “I understand the burdens of family. When I was a girl, my handmaid was Aprak, and we spoke goblin to avoid being understood by my parents. Forgive me if I have forgotten some of the words.”

“I doubt I will be needed for translation,” said Ninefingers.

“Perhaps,” said Lady Anwen. “Tongues differ by location, and you have a southern voice while Kagandis is something else….northern, maybe? We will not be disturbed; I have no handmaiden now. Sometimes Caranta assists me, if the woodwright does not need her.”

“I am not noble and don’t know about human nobility,” said Kagandis.

“And you are not my handmaiden. You are your own person, and an emissary from your people. I will not talk to you about clothes-stylings and the politics of headmen.”

“If you mean ‘fashion’ and ‘court,’ Ninefingers said in common tongue, “we use these terms.” He said them in goblin.

“Thank goodness,” said Kagandis. “I thought you were having a stroke.”

Lady Anwen laughed. “As I say, I have not practiced for years.”

“If you ladies do not need me, I will see how Felewin is doing,” said Ninefingers. “And perhaps we will check out Vengis’ imprisonment to make sure he is not spreading more lies.” He managed a small bow toward Lady Anwen. “By your leave, Lady Anwen?”

“Go. A woman in my bedchamber and speaking goblin. It is a pleasant reminder of childhood, and I have not had many of those.”

Kagandis caught Ninefingers’ sleeve before he left. “Let me know if anything happens. The orcs will not let up. They might not be active in the day, but they will not stop.”

Game Mechanics

[13] Ninefingers attempts to listen, discreetly: rolls 3,3,6,9 and his observation is 5, so that’s two successes. It’s a heavy door and he doesn’t want to be obvious, so he doesn’t make the 3 Diff.

[14] Mythic: Does she speak goblin? 02: Exceptional Yes. Oookay, let’s do something with that.

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