Tuesday, January 25, 2022

League One loose ends


League One exists primarily for adventures that require a heavy-hitting group. Though the members aren't the Justice League or the Avengers, they are close, even though the uniting theme seems to be "Something to prove or atone for." There are a limited number of adventures that absolutely require that kind of power level. Not none: there are still some I can play, and will.

But the things I want to address in the group — like, we never get into Menagerie and Palimpsest's relationship at all, and I think that would be interesting — are mostly soap opera things, and for that I'd need to create new adventures or heavily customize existing ones.

As a for instance, looking at these three adventures for the first time in a couple of months:

  • As mentioned, Menagerie and Palimpsest's relationship.
  • What the heck is Doc Golem atoning for?
  • What about Skyblaze's mysterious past? We know that “Deanna Sult” is not her birth name, and “Mysterious past” is right in her qualities.
  • How is Penultimate adapting to this world? What the heck is the backstory that gives us “From another dimension”? I mean, she's probably adapting well, because she excels at nearly everything, but how?

What I find interesting is that this is something that comics do as part and parcel of what they are in the last fifty years, but RPGs don't really address it yet. Qualities is the best I've seen at summarizing them, and DC Heroes had Subplots, which gave them some impetus, but I don't really see it features yet. (I'm sure there's a game somewhere that does it, and perhaps you'll point it out to me.)

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