Thursday, June 7, 2018

Justice League ... Detroit (1)


I was reading comics when Justice League Detroit happened. In retrospect, some cool stuff (I think trying to get to a more street-level vibe was admirable, even though I think it was misplaced; I liked Gypsy a lot to look at, and I had moved to the grudging respect level on Aquaman and Martian Manhunter) and some not cool stuff (Gypsy's name is racist, and her use of it is a kind of appropriation; Vibe was largely a stereotype and I wasn't actually sorry to see him die).

Still, someone mentioned them over on the Facebook ICONS group recently, and I started thinking about them and then I pulled out my hold DC Heroes Justice League sourcebook. So here are some of them, renamed, and presented as their powersets were in that sourcebook, rather than what they've become.

Aquaman Trident

  • Leadership Expert (+2)
  • Underwater Combat Master (+3) (
  • Amazing (8) Aquatic (Coordination and Awareness 8 underwater)
  • Incredible (7) Mind Control
    • Limit: Only marine life
  • Sees in depths of ocean and can quiz animals (Super-senses 1: see in dark and situational awareness)
  • Needs to breathe water every hour
  • Half-breed: Atlantean & human
  • Exiled King of Atlantis

I don't recall that in those days we ever saw him use his telepathy except as an extension of "talking to fish..and Atlanteans". Since it was largely used as a convenience thing, I'd probably allow it in play whenever he's underwater but not use it for things like reading minds. It's a communications device, essentially. In the same sense, I'd rule that Aquatic handles things like the crushing depths of the ocean while not giving him something like Life Support (pressure, cold); let him pay a Determination point or advantage to stunt that if he needs to.

Elongated Man Stretch Mark

Or, if you want to go gender-swapped, Stretch Marg.

Stretch Mark
  • Investigation Expert (+2)
  • Performance (+1)
  • Technology (+1)
  • Great (6) Stretching
    • Extra: Transformation: Humanoids
  • Needs Gingold every week to keep Stretching
  • Natural detective
  • In it for the adventure

This is the old light-hearted character, created because an editor wanted Plastic Man or someone like him, but didn't realize that DC had the rights to Plastic Man. Though he did use transformation occasionally (impersonating one of Queen Zazzala's putty men, apparently, in Justice League of America 105), we more often saw him as a detective.

Gypsy Homeless

Now, I gather there are phasing powers...or something? But then, there was only illusion and invisibility.

  • Martial Arts (+1)
  • Stealth Expert (+2)
  • Great (6) camouflage powers (Invisiblity)
    • Extra: Illusions (Limit: Concentration)
  • Young (15) runaway, estranged from parents
  • 'Satiable curiosity
  • In it for the adventure

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