Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Hey...happy holidays

I hope this is a good time of year for you. If it is, enjoy it.

I know that this is an intensely lonely or painful time of the year for many people. If that's you, I hope better for you. I have no idea what brought you to this point, what terrible thing happened to make this a time of pain or sorrow, and I don't want to belittle that.

But I want to say this: It gets better. Sometimes not by much at any time, and sometimes &ldquot;better&rdquot; looks worse, but it does indeed get better. You can find someone to help you. Maybe not an official cousellor; maybe it's just someone to listen.

If you're choosing to be cranky and angry, I suggest you not. This is the time of year when a lot of people at least pay lip-service to peace on earth and good-will to all. Take comfort in that.

Whether it's Christmas, Hannukah, Festivus, the Solstice or whatever, I wish you health and wealth and happiness and safety.

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