Monday, September 12, 2022

New Campaign Prep: My thoughts so far


I'm missing me some superhero gaming. So I'm going to run something online. Here's what I know so far:

  • It will be either Roll20 or Roll20+Discord for voice.
  • My current plan is Thursday nights, 7:00 Eastern, except for the one night a month I have book club also on Thursdays. (This Thursday as I write this.)
  • The setting will be Stark City in the present. When necessary, we'll introduce sliding timescale, but I think it will go fine. When in doubt, we'll use Chicago as the model, so there will be (for example) a Morgan Park Zoo.
  • The focus of the campaign will be the city. While there will be stuff that focuses on specific neighbourhoods (for example, if a player wants to focus on his or her attempts to improve the neighbourhood), or some
  • Characters will be rolled. Oh, someone can build on 45 points if they want, but the bonuses that come with a particular origin only come with a rolled character. Of course, the emphasis on rolled characters means that I have to be adjacent in some way so people don't “accidentally” roll twenty 12s in a row. I might re-think that because if you don't trust folks, why are you gaming with them? However, being able to talk through the Qualities is a big deal. Qualities inform the focus of the game, really.
  • I'm not a big fan of Knacks but I'm going to allow them, with the known thing that having a knack can reduce your starting determination pool to 0; if you don't have a knack, you can't have a starting Determination less than 1.
  • Pretty standard superhero thing. I'm not throwing in any twists.

Because I was listening to an interview with George MacDonald this week, the first adventure will be a bank robbery with some time-travel shenanigans mixed in. (No, the robbers themselves won't have time powers, but they'll be pointers to a time-travel thing that's probably not accessible to the PCs, and which might be an overarching big bad of the first arc...if the players are interested.

To a large extent, I don't want to plan anything without knowing who the players are.

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