Wednesday, July 21, 2021

A solo adventure done with Mythic...excerpt


I'm doing a solo adventure with Mythic, trying to see what it does in a larger adventure. (I'm at scene 7 now.) Then I'll do with with the third system I have, and we'll compare.

Anyway, I'm tickled by the latest scene, and it's short, so I'm putting it here without some of the dice rolling. All you need to know is that Screech Owl is a hero and that Mynah has been forced by circumstances to work with him.

Scene start: NPC Action. Activity Expectations. Interrupt. CF 8

I left the fence’s through the alley door and did the whole coat/mask/bathroom thing again. Nobody even looked at me when I left the bathroom, which I thought was odd, considering I had gone in two hours earlier, but it was Progressive Euchre Tournament night, whatever that is.[Mythic: Does she notice she’s being followed? Unlikely, CF 8: 81% No.]

I stood at the bus stop with a seedy guy who needed a hair and chin transplant. The glamorous life of a supervillain. It started to rain, big fat drops of rain.

I sighed. “How long to the next bus?”

The seedy guy looked at his watch. “Fifteen minutes.”

We were quiet for a minute, and then he said, “You work in an office?”

“Yes,” I said, because it used to be true. Truth is easier to remember.

He nodded. “You must make money,” he said.

Surveys show that’s a sure sign this encounter was going nowhere good.

“Nope,” I said. “Still paying off student loans.”

“But you’re dressed nice.”

“Thrift store coat,” I said, because it was. I have to hide it every time I go out as the Mynah, and some day it won’t be there when I return for it. “Remember, I’m taking the bus. No planes, no bikes, no motorcars, not a single luxury.”

In costume, I’m okay. Out of costume, I babble.

“Give me your purse,” he said.

“Really?” I asked him.

“Even your walking around money’s better than what I got.” He pointed a gun at me.

“You know there’s a fence for supervillains about two blocks from here.”


“So like, anyone you hold up could actually be a supervillain in disguise.”

He shook his head. “Supervillains got, like, ray guns and stuff.”

I didn’t want to go all sonic on him because I wasn’t wearing a mask. I was hoping we could resolve this peacefully…but it had not escaped my attention that I had over two hundred thousand dollars in bearer bonds in the messenger bag inside my big purse.

He was not getting the bonds.

“And real supervillains ain’t women.” He held up a hand before I could say more. “Yeah, yeah, but those are sidekicks.”

“Really?” I said again. Dodge in on the side without the pistol, knock his arm sideways, kick him— I really had to learn some martial arts. I tensed.

His eyes widened and he backed off and started to run. “See? A sidekick!” he shouted.

I didn’t even have to turn around. “I will have no rep and no cred by the time this is done.”

“You were late,” said Screech Owl. “Of course I came looking for you.”

I didn’t turn around. “Could you look away? So I can at least get the mask on? I feel naked without it.” I fumbled in my purse and found the mask, but it was stuck under the envelope of bonds and I was pulling very carefully.

“I know your build and hair colour.”

“All the more reason for me to wear the damned mask!” There! It was free.

“He might have shot you!”

“I had it under control!”

“You did not.”

I hooked the purse on one arm and got the mask on. “We can’t talk here.” Before I could turn around to face him he had grabbed me under the armpits and we were in the air.

“Really?” I said, for the third time.

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