Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Today's bizarre setting fragment

I was reading something and the author opined that the only thing that humans are good at is killing each other, and that's not gonna change.

At which point the "Well, actually" part of my brain kicked in and I thought, "Genetic engineering could fix that."

And then I thought, "But you'd have to get the world governments together to do it."

At which point I realized something: Every government would hold back a tiny subset of the “killer” humans so they could have them in reserve. Y'know. If they were needed...

So you'd be playing the bloodthirsty monsters, who (in a point that might be on the nose) are you and me.

At which point my brain flipped it sideways and realized that pacifism was a disease released on the world: a pandemic of peace, as it were, and you play one of the people with natural immunity.

Kind of adds a new meaning to “Go forth and kill no more.”

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