Wednesday, October 14, 2020

This week’s supervillain: Palimpsest

Any supers

“So Count Crisis, he hires a lotta guys, right? And I got this bum leg but I'm pretty good at electronics and computers and stuff, so I'm working the Conquer Center when the Justice Four show up, right?

“Now I know that the Justice Four are bad news for guys like us, but Count Crisis, he doesn't want to hear it. I mean, he killed Lenny for suggesting maybe the Count shouldn't kill the guys on the beach by setting off the Rho Bomb. So when I saw that the Four had made it past the Rho Bomb and the Interrobanger, I booked it. Took the escape capsule, so later Count Crisis was kinda surprised it wasn't there when he went to escape. Anyway.

“The capsule doesn't go up, like I expected. It goes down. Down into a second secret base, one we didn't know about. I mean, it was guarded by that shape-changer lady, but I got the drop on her while she was being a cat. She's in the neural neutralizer room and mostly she's fine, but the Count wasn't big on labelling things so sometimes I hit the wrong button. I found a labeller so mostly that's fixed.

“There's a lotta stuff here, Ethan. I mean, a lot.

“Anyway, I'm making this offer. You get, what, eight other guys. We figure out enough of this stuff for a couple o' heists, enough so there's ten million for each of us. We pop it into secure bank accounts and live off the interest.

“Big score, but I gotta remind you: The stuff isn't labelled. We're probably gonna have some casualties before we do the heists. Still, we stick to a hundred million total, that's an annual of five hundred thousand each. I dunno about you but I could do a lot with five hundred thousand a year.

“Whadda ya say?”

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