Thursday, October 31, 2019

Dr. Why: Pop Quiz (Mutants and Masterminds Hero High)


  1. Setup
  2. Orientation
  3. Pop Quiz
  4. Midterm
  5. Term Paper
  6. Final


We have names!

  • Alex Hanson is actually Ak'hanezakhar, exiled alien princess.
  • Bruiser is actually Matthew Brady.
  • Tech-Head we're just calling Tech-Head (though as stated last time, his normal ID is Clark Wayne)

This session

This information is as I remember it. I might be wrong or have jumbled the chronology; corrections accepted.


The first session was on a Wednesday in September. The following Monday morning, at Dana's (Geodesic's) home, he is being home-schooled about the French and Indian Wars when the doorbell rings. It's two agents from the Bureau of Extremely Foreign Affairs: a man and a woman in the kind of bland anonymous suits that get issued rather than purchased. Both visitors are brown-skinned, but his is a normal sort of brown colour and hers reminds one of tree-bark. She is also shorter than he is by more than half a meter. They provide identification (Guy Beech and Fay Hunter). He does the talking. They would like to speak to Dana alone. His mother reluctantly leaves the room.

They suspect that Dr. Why is up to something but they don't know what. They can't tell because Dr. Why has forbidden items like Go-Pros in the class (the mechanism is unknown, but active smartphone cameras or Go-Pros burn out while cyborg and suit mechanisms do not). Dr. Why has forbidden the college from recording any of the classes.

If Dana sees anything out of the ordinary, could he please report it? Sufficient important information could lead to a scholarship at the Canadian university of Dana's choice.

They hand Dana a thick lovely ornate card.

Once they leave, Dana aka Geodesic of course examines it and finds the electronic device inside it. He assumes it is a tracking device and isolates it after memorizing the contact information in case it is someday useful.

The next day, Clark Wayne (Tech-Head) finds the same BEFA agents when he comes home from school. The visit is not quite the same. Possibly being in the vicinity of the power source affects Agent Hunter because she's twitchy in this visit and cannot contain herself toward the end.

Same offer and they're getting ready to leave when she blurts out, “It has a name!” The name, it turns out, is Pandora, and she is on the team because she's a magic sniffer. She can find unshielded magic items. Agent Beech gets her out of there quickly after that.

Clark does some research and there are several things that Pandora might be, but the one that ties most directly to magic is a green energy source that was released in redacted form and then re-classified about twelve hours later. Apparently it opens a gate to another universe and takes the energy from there. Also, the inhabitants are not happy.

Several weeks later, it is time for class.

One guy on the construction crew says that though there is usually a poker game on Wednesday nights (Matthew Brady often goes but it conflicts with this course, so he hasn’t lately) says there is no poker night tonight. “I got a family thing.” The guy sighs: since his mom died a decade ago, dad has not been himself.

Alex has moved in with Attractive Woman Who Was Just There For The Talk At The Beginning—Priya Nayyar—who is somewhat concerned about Alex bringing home a couple for social unification last night. Since “social unification” is indistinguishable from “sexual intercourse” for Alex, Priya is confused and hurt.

“I thought we had a relationship!”

“We do.”

“I let you stay here even though my mother—”

“Your mother must be a lovely person because you are a lovely person.”

Let's just say that Alex is late to the class.


The first half of the class is uneventful. They have dispensed with the Hannibal Lecter mask and the number of security guards is reduced but still non-zero. Officer Kit Lawson is there operating the slides. (Cut-above security guard was there the next week but not this week.)

At break, Alex and Matthew and about half the class head out to get coffee (the school has cooking and restaurant classes, so there is a restaurant and a student-run coffee-bar on campus). It's a slight hike because the classroom is on the second (top) floor of one of the non-auditorium buildings.

Tech-Head has his force field up (because that's what one should do within a hundred meters of Dr. Why) and asks about Pandora.

Dr. Why blandly replies that he knows about the legendary Pandora, who opened the box of troubles.

Geodesic asks if Dr. Why is magical. Dr. Why's response is that he can certainly use magical artifacts, which he sometimes has access to because he knows magical people.

The lights flicker. When they come back to full strength, there are two men standing there wearing costumes. The older one of them announces that Dr. Why will now suffer for what was done to him.

(Tech-Head's response is, “Tell us some backstory.” Answer: A decade ago, Dr. Why's actions killed this man's wife. So Dr. Why is going to pay, and people here are going to die.)

Tech-Head: “And that's where you lost my sympathy. Threatening to kill people who don't have a connection to Dr. Why.”

The older villain says, “Present?”

The younger one is apparently a speedster, and he punches Tech-Head into the next round.

When the rest get back from their break, the guy in the bunny costume (who calls himself "Narcolepus, hopping through your dreams") tries to open the door. He cannot.

Bruiser tries and rips the doorknob off. Alex pokes at the knob on the other side and it falls out of the hole but then thumps softly as it hits the door, being held in place.

The non-PC students wonder what to do. Is it a test? Maybe they should call the police or something?

Bruiser then punches the door. It splinters and then re-forms. It's not intact, it's still shattered, but the pieces have moved back in place like the wall is held in jelly. Bruiser theorizes that someone could jump in before it re-forms, but no one bothered to do that. Bruiser is annoyed.

Alex high-tails it outside to a spot where she can't be seen and flies to the roof, where she puts on a mask and changes clothes to the outfit she thinks will be her superhero outfit. There is a skylight to the classroom.


The student who can turn into a big shaggy yeti (or a raven) clutches her head and falls over, unconscious.


Bruiser punches the door and then jumps in before it can re-form.

Alex shoots the skylight and attempts to fly in, but fails. (Alex's player rolled several ones during the evening; I believe this was one of them.) She succeeded on her next turn.


Then Present, the older man, waves his arms, pointing at each person, and they have to make Will saves. To the people who fail the roll, they are alone in the room.

Geodesic and Bruiser fail their Will saves.

This is taking much longer to recount than I thought. On the plus side, that means my memory is not as bad as I thought; on the minus side, this is tedious, both for you and me. In point form, and less concerned with maintaining a strict account that lists everything:

  • Tech-Head can't connect with either of them, but having spied the cool spot in the shape of a woman floating near one corner, decides to concentrate on that. Highlights include throwing some hummus against the wall.
  • Narcolepus helpfully shouts through the door handle hole that there's a ghost. He'll try to engage in mental combat.
  • Geodesic can't see anyone but can keep up the mental link with Tech-Head he had conveniently set up before the appearance of Past, Present, and Future. With Tech-Head's guidance, he puts Present in a force bubble and squeezes.
  • Future and Present demonstrate the castling effect, and then Future vibrates free.
  • Bruiser decides to hit the floor and see if he can spot anyone else in the next classroom. This shatters the floor, which then re-forms. Remember that for later.
  • Alex enters.
  • The ghost that is Past enters Geodesic's body to try to possess him. He is delighted because then his telekinesis that works against spirits is really likely to hit.
  • Tech-Head scores a nice shot against Present and suddenly everyone can see everyone else.
  • Geodesic moves the ghost sixteen miles away, punching through the create...and the room falls apart. People fell into the classroom below, students were knocked unconscious, Future quit and Present took away his powers...
  • At some point, Bruiser became aware of who Future actually was. So far as I recall, he didn't share this knowledge.
  • Once Present was knocked out (no defenses, remember), the ghost vanished.

(I have new appreciation for James.)


Tech-Head strips Present of nearly everything and finds on him a small gold coin, with a woman's face on one side and what looks like the snake of Asculepius on the other, except the snake is coiled around a torch, not a staff. (I said a sheaf of wheat in the actual session, but apparently Eris is usually depicted with a torch in one hand and a hissing adder in the other, so I take the opportunity to correct myself.) As he looks at it, the woman's face winks at him.

He gives the coin to Geodesic.

As Geodesic looks at it, he clearly hears the woman saying, “What power do you desire?”

NPCs: The rest of the class

Because we might need to know names, here are the other students in the class.

  • Not Costumed:
    • Megan Bay (claims that she wants to work with some kind of hero support...maybe emergency services, maybe counselling)
    • Thomas Gelman (quiet, keeps to himself)
    • Sheila Norton
    • Nichole Rodrigues (shapeshifter; vehemently denies this is her real appearance)
    • Douglas Rodgers
    • Chelsea Wolfe
  • Costumed:
    • Blue Screen [Vanessa Roberts] light controller but only blue-indigo-violet light.
    • Ms.-mer [Sherry Mack] Presumably some kind of hypnosis or mind-control.
    • No superhero name but goes by Wookiebird [Leah Hopkins]. Changes into either a yeti or a raven.
    • Plus [April Parsons]
    • No superhero name but goes by Gary or Snailien [Virgil Holt] Totem of the snail
    • Narcolepus [Brandon Wright] has some kind of mental powers and can leap.

Past, Present, Future

Because we know Future's actual name (Derek Vandervecken) research shows that his father's name is Gierd Vandervecken and his late mother was Margaret Vandervecken.

Any two of them could swap places: they could castle. (In fact, all three of them could do it but they weren't going to reveal Past until necessary. It was a small accurate Teleport (rank 5, I think) with a medium that limited it to any of the other two.


Future was the speedster archetype from the book with the addition of castling and the shunt or procrastination power: Affliction, does only second degree damage if he gets a second degree result, makes target unaware for the rest of the round, ends automatically, moves target one round into the future. It is an interesting idea but wasn't a fun power to use, so I used it once on a PC and any other time on an NPC.

Arguably this should have been from a level 3 Affliction result.


Present had a rank 10 attack which had this effect: the person affected could not sense anyone else. The person was still there (and could still communicate mentally) but couldn't sense anyone else. I bought it as Illusion, but it occurs to me you might be able to do it as an Affliction. Either way, making sure all the sense are covered is expensive. This had the flaw Concentration, so later when his bell got rung, everyone found themselves back in reality.

Because I gave him no defenses other than his actual toughness (from Stamina 5) and one point of Defensive Roll, I made him hard to hit. I think that was the wrong decision (though thematically justifiable); he should probably have had higher defenses but been easier to hit.

Because the fatherhood, Present, had the coin, he could decide who had powers and who didn't...the coin was essentially a MacGuffin to empower everyone.


Largely things added to the Silver Scream write up. She had poltergeist-like abilities (Move Object) but they didn't come up, per se. She was holding the room together, which I modelled as Create to model telekinesis holding together the classroom, with the limitation that there actually has to be something to hold together, and the flaw Concentration.

Though she had invisibility to all parts of the spectrum, I fudged it and made her visible by IR because she created a cold spot where she was.

Bureau of Extremely Foreign Affairs

In Canada, the Bureau is a subset of the state department, known by various names over its history but "Ministry of Foreign Affairs" is sufficient. It deals with trade and diplomacy with political entities outside Canada. (Other ministries might or might not have departments that deal with parahumans, depending on their remit. The Department of Defense certainly does, and so does labour.)

In this case, they are concerned because while super-science doesn't necessarily fall into their area, magic definitely does. Because magic often involves pantheons of god-like beings with whom we have trade in some fashion. Ever get a boon from a fairy godmother? How is that taxed? Ever moved to an alternate dimension? Will that have diplomatic consequences?

So the agents and bureaucrats of the BEFA tend to be blase about their work and perhaps have an inflated sense of its importance...because unchecked access to alternate civilizations, timelines (the BEFA covers all times before 1867), and technologies. They also occasionally have access to resources that are unusual, like magic sniffer Kay Hunter.

Guy Beech is an attractive man of colour in his mid-thirties, probably raised in Montreal. He's almost six feet tall. His stats are pretty much out of the book, and he's PL 4.

Fay Hunter is an average-looking woman who is also of colour, but the colour seems a bit off. Brown, yes, but it doesn't look like a normal human skin tone. She normally lets Agent Beech do the talking. From her confession and her attitude, we presume that she can find magic sources, or at least those of a particular set, and the presence of at least one of those magic sources agitates her. (She didn't seem agitated at Geodesic's home.) Her ability to detect magic probably gets her leeway in the regimented world of agents.

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Bureau of Extremely Foreign Affairs


In my games, we sometimes deal with the Bureau of Extremely Foreign Affairs, which started as the Canadian department for dealing with extraterrestrial civilizations. There is a bureaucratic arm and an investigative arm.

For this week's adventure, I have modified the BEFA for superheroes. They are a subdivision of the department of Foreign Affairs, and they deal with extra-normal political entities.

While high technology and super-science might not fall into their remit, magic almost always does. Trade something with fairyland? They deal with the excise taxes. Granted a boon by a Lovecraftian cosmic horror? They put a dollar value on it or determine if it's dangerous to the public safety. They also deal with the local equivalents of Atlantis or Themyscira. Heck, they might be responsible for extradimensional refugees, or be the department that calls your heroes when Galactus arrives. ("He has refused normal methods of communication and I am sure we don't want a repeat of the Thanos issue. The deaths and rebirths alone cause an incredible number of headaches.")

In the Dr. Why adventure, they can occasionally borrow from the Department of Defense a magic-sniffer (who is not without her own problems) to find, say, a previously-shielded magic power source of unknown provenance, which might indicate illegal trade, smuggling, or the existence of a previously-unrealized pantheon.

And just having thought about them this much makes me want to do a short BEFA adventure.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Dr. Why: Orientation (Mutants and Masterminds Hero High)


  1. Setup
  2. Orientation
  3. Midterm
  4. Term Paper
  5. Final

Session 1: Orientation

James Nicoll, one of the players, provided this summary of the session. I'll try to provide the GM's view of things, but in point form, maybe emphasizing the things I have to remember for future sessions.

  • One of the guards was clearly a physical cut above the usual community college security guard. ("Hired for the occasion" would have been the story if anyone has asked.) That guard conveniently disappeared during the brouhaha. PCs suspected that was either because he caused it or he needed a private place to change into a costume.
  • Tech-Head and Geodesic overheard someone being denied entry to backstage. He claimed he thought it was a bathroom (“I really need a bathroom”) Geodesic recognized the mid-forties male as Gabriel duVernay, a local reporter who does print and video, and distrusts corporations, rich people, and supers.
  • Princess sat about of the third of the way down the row of seats. Between her and the aisle was an attractive woman of Indian heritage (Priya Nayyar).
  • The woman on the other side of Princess claimed to have dated Doctor Why two decades ago; Doctor Why doesn't look any older. When pressed, she admitted that Doctor Why was good in bed. (Her name was Cassidy Graves, not that anyone ever asked.)
  • Princess did notice a guy in a bunny costume. Maybe twenty percent of the audience was dressed as a super or had obvious manifestations. On the other hand, the place was also lousy with journalists and fans and thrill-seekers.
  • The Power Corps showed up to steal the android because they need the parts. Numbers 1, 2, 4 and 7 showed up. The plan was to go in through the fire exit, steal the android, and get out. Easy.
  • They were discovered by Gabriel duVernay, who finally managed to get backstage. He had a scream that was gender-inappropriate.
  • There seems to be some family resemblance between the Power Corps armor and Tech-Head's armor.
  • Actually getting the power source out was tough: DC 35
  • Eventually defeated because it was wireless. Removeed the power source, put it in a Faraday cage, and it had to make a check to see if batteries come online properly. (They didn't; safety feature.)
  • Tech-Head stashed the robot's power source in his mom's garage.
  • Princess saw Dr. Why slip his hand back into his restraints at the end. This lead to some speculation on the part of the players: was he ready to escape and rescue them if necessary? Or was he running the robot with a stolen and modified XBox controller? (The latter seems unlikely because people would have seen...but hey, maybe.)
  • Anyone who acted (the PCs especially, but there are others) got registration/tuition paid for by the foundation that Dr. Why controls (the Alexandrian Lighthouse Foundation).


Bruiser (Pl 8)


  • Tough skin: Impervious Toughness 10
  • Good jumper: Leaping 5
  • Alt: Earthquake: Damage 8 [Punching the ground; Burst Area, Flaw: Contiguous solid surface]
(16 points)

Equipment 6 [he likes stuff], Great Endurance, Diehard, Fast Grab, Improvised Tools, Throwing Mastery 2, Beginner's LuckAthletics (+11), Close Combat: Punch 1 (+5), Deception (+3), Expertise: Construction 6 (+7), Expertise: Architecture 1 (+2), Insight 2 (+4), Intimidation 4 (+7), Perception (+2), Persuasion (+3), Stealth 2 (+5), Technology 2 (+3), Vehicles 4 (+8)
This and the equipment advantage are here mainly because the character is designed as owning things, including a car or laptop or smartphone or gaming system; filled in at the player's whim.
OffenseTo HitDamageInit +3
Groundsrike (burst, requires contiguous surface)8 
Thrown item+412 
DefenseDodge 3Parry 4Toughness 12Fortitude 12Will 2
  • Buy stuff, impress babes
  • The three Fs start with fleeing, and I don't flee.
  • Is this what my life will be?
Power Points Abilities 80 + Powers 16 + Advantages 11 + Skills 13 + Defenses 0 = Total


Replay is a mimic android, created as security. It scans individuals nearby, one per round, and copies any powers it can. This is most useful against groups: people are usually immune to their own powers, but not necessarily to the powers of their compatriot.

It does not have the self-learning capacities of the homicidal version: defeat it and it does the same thing again. However, it does have a known problem: it defends the area where it is activated and it scans individuals for an access badge; without the badge, anyone with powers is assumed to be a threat. (People without powers are not assumed to be a threat.)

Some other powers (the flight and the gravity binding field) are always there.

Because Replay's schtick is copying people (notably the PCs) I did not worry about numbers and balance. I gave it some levels so it would (fairly) be a problem even if it hadn't copied anyone's powers, and then let copying do the rest.

Replay (Pl 12)


  • Tough coating: Protection 10, Impervious 6
  • Antigrav repulsors: Flight 6
  • Binding Field: Move object, burst area, flaw: Only down 12


  • Mimic (variable, 7/rank, perception, ranged) 12
Beginner's Luck, Eidetic Memory, Evasion 2, Hide in Plain Sight, Improved Initiative 3Expertise: Superhumans and powers +20, Perception +15, Stealth +10
OffenseTo HitDamageInit +14
DefenseDodge 5Parry 5Toughness 10 (6)FortitudeWill 5
  • Cannot exceed its programming
  • Machine
  • Needs wireless access

Dr Why: Setup (Mutants and Masterminds Hero High)


This was originally one post. I've broken it into two.

  1. Setup
  2. Orientation
  3. Pop Quiz
  4. Midterm
  5. Term Paper
  6. Final

Because our regular DM is busy for a few weeks, started a small set of adventures using Hero High, though it's set at a community college.

Five sessions: “Orientation”, “Pop Quiz”, “Mid-Term”, “Term Paper”, and “Final Exam”. For various reasons, “Orientation” was mostly combat.

There's a story in my head but the important part is keeping it player-focused. Been a while since I ran M&M, so there were some teething pains. (Another reason why "Orientation" was so combat-heavy.)

The Setup

Famous hero Dr. Wye (or Dr. Why or Dr. Y) decided a year or so ago to avoid certain selected property damage in the aim of improving society. The owner of that property was understandably upset and prosecuted the good doctor. The courts wanted to be seen as tough on this sort of behaviour so they actually sentenced him to jail, with the option of doing community service to lessen his actual jail time.

Apparently, after a number of incidents in the communal areas of the prison, they put him in isolation and then probably begged him to do community service and shorten his inflammatory presence in the prison.

He has agreed to teach a course on superheroing. He is teaching it at the community college and he has made certain stipulations so that people with secret identites can attend and not have it traced back to them. That is, you can register in your probable hero ID, you can pay in cash, textbooks are given away free to those who are still enrolled after the course drop date, and so on. While there might be a record that Mighty Mite (for example) attended the course, no one should be able to tie that to shy college student Parker Peters, who was never in the class.

Available to Know

Expertise: Streetwise or police connections
0Because of an incident in the dining area, Dr. Wye is kept in isolation. He does have occasional access to the library and the recreation room.
5It doesn't appear to be a trick. If it's some scheme to get in jail to get someone else, that knowledge is way above any of the people talked to.
10The police are nervous about their abilit to keep Dr. Why if he decides not to co-operate, so they aren't going to release him from bonds. He's going to give the class while trussed like Hannibal Lecter.
15As a demonstration of his own hubris, Dr. Why has brought along Replay, the original test version of the android whose later versions became Organon, attempted world destroyer. (Organon has a series of factories world-wide and rebuilds itself without the flaw it had last time.) Replay has many more accessible parts and exploitable problems and does not improve itself. Besides, it's deactivated....nothing could go wrong.


Because time is short and our sessions are short (we play for two hours, three tops), half the folks didn't want to create characters; instead, they took archetypes from the Hero High book. Of the other two, one created a character and one asked me to create a character. The one I made is below.

The archetypes chosen were Alien Exile and Tech-Head. We don't have any details about the Alien Exile yet except that she seems obsessed with the two factors of Not Appearing Different and sex. (I believe her early exposure to mass media have taught her that everyone asks about sex all the time, and that the proper clothes to wear in all environments are a tube top, shorts, and go-go boots.) The Tech-Head is named Clark Wayne, keeps stuff in his mom's garage, and liberated his power suit without permission. We have tied the suit into the Power Corps and Dr. Why somehow.

For the purposes of this description, the tech-head character will be Tech-Head and the alien exile Princess.

First session actually played October 23, 2019.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Emperor Biff


When I ran The Sugar Hill Invasion for Babies With Knives I needed to make some changes because one of the players wasn't thrilled with the adventure as he'd seen it before.

I've always loved the trope of fallen-cosmic-threat, at least since I saw the Lord of Order incorporated in Kent Nelson's old body in William Moessner-Loaebs' run on Doctor Fate, so I decided that it would be nice to use that as my magic-explaining-device. So I created Emperor Biff, and I offer him to you.

Emperor Biff (aka Empyreanus Bane)

Emperor Biff is an eight-pound long-haired chihuahua. He used to be a being of unimaginable cosmic power and now he is reduced to this. He is under guard/owned-by the significant SHIELD/STAR/PATRIOT/PRIMUS/Argus/whatever organization in your game, the one that deals with cosmic or mystical threats.

A spell has trapped the essence of Empyreanus Bane in this dog. They don't know if the dog is now immortal or not; they don't know what will happen to the essence if the dog dies. Therefore the organization protects him. Keeping him on base with other trapped cosmic beings is less risky than having him in someone's home. (For one thing, the base is armored.)

The dog can talk. He is prone to referring to humans as "pokes of meat and heartbreak" and once referred to his current predicament as "a ton of cosmic mastery in a five-pound sack." He is haughty, mouthy, sarcastic and seems utterly unwilling to escape, possibly because of Rainbow.

Rainbow Timm is the young daughter of Dr. Timm, one of the researchers in the organization. Dr. Timm has no spouse, so Rainbow is often in the complex. Rainbow likes to dress Emperor Biff in doll clothes and have elaborate tea parties. Rainbow and the Empyreanus Bane have formed a connection.

Dr. Timm is not sure whether the connection manages to control Emperor Biff or this is an eventual escape route for Empyreanus Bane. Perhaps when the dog body dies, the Bane will move to the attached victim. Regular scans by a magician show nothing, but...

3 4 1 5 4 2 3
  • Occult Master
  • Performance: Rituals Expert
  • Stealth
  • Dog senses: Fair (4) Super-senses (Smell +2, Hearing +1, Tracking Scent)
  • Bite and Claws: Poor (1) Slashing
  • Cosmic connection: Good (6) Detect Cosmic events
  • Former cosmic menace: Average (3) Magic
  • A talking chihuahua, with dog limitations (small, etc.) and unable to perform rituals because of lack of hands
  • Former dimension-spanning conqueror
  • Loyal (to his great shame) to Rainbow Timm

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Mr. Verity


For your vigilante-style adventures awash in the mire of the streets...

When a mob boss needs to hire a supervillain, he wants to know if the guy's gonna do the job and hand over the item or try to keep it. Or worse, if the guy's actually a superhero in disguise. That's when he hires Mr. Verity.

Mr. Verity can tell if someone's lying just by being in skin-to-skin contact.

But Mr. Verity doesn't admit to *all* he can do. He doesn't, for example, talk about the "keep Mr. Verity safe" mental blocks he lays down. He doesn't even admit that he can do that. "Oh, no, just a fancy lie detector, that's me."

And he knows things. Comes of poking in minds as he does. And sooner or later, he's going to orchestrate an action that involves the heroes...



3 4 3 4 4 7 10
SpecialtiesBusiness, Law, Power (Mind control)
  • Detect (truthfulness) Great (6)
    • Limit: Close (must be in skin contact)
    • Extra: Telepathy
    • Extra: Mind Control (both share the limit)
  • Mental Resistance Average (3)
  • It's just business
  • Close to the vest
  • A pre-emptive nudge is okay

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Some Halloween ideas...


Gah! Over a month! Here, have this!

Halloween ideas

Being some things that popped into my head if you wanted to, oh, slot a Halloween-themed adventure into your superhero campaign.*

*Might not be suitable for all superheroes. Might not be suitable for all campaigns.

The problem with superheroes and holidays is that superheroes imply control and power, and being frightened implies not. But I'm willing to steal the trappings for the holiday.

  • Superheroes chase the ghost of Jack the Ripper (or cause of Jack the Ripper) before he kills again.
  • Werewolves invade from another dimension. When they're not wolfy, they look just like regular folk, so it's hard to find them.
  • Superheroes journey in the nightmares of a catatonic superhero who can save the world, making a fantastic voyage to the trauma at the source of all of this catatonia.
  • Death takes a holiday...and in the midst of suffering folk who cannot die the heroes discover that Death has in fact been kidnapped by an elderly sorcerer who wants to live forever. (Image: Death is trapped in a snow globe paperweight, which each of the characters suddenly seems to own...)

    Of course, the early part of this adventure needs to involve a Punisher-style vigilante who is being chased by the people he's trying to kill. Because if you can't kill them, you aren't nearly as much of a threat to them...

  • Ambrosia Valentine has a goal: the elimination of all monsters. And all she has to do is kill a few people who are important to the PCs, to get the ingredients for the ritual that will transfer all of their abilities to her. She asks the heroes to kill her after she completes the ritual...and she doesn't bother to mention the necessary deaths. (Hey, she's willing to lay down her life for this...what's a few loved ones of superheroes extra?)
  • An occult research comes to the heroes with news: their powers are weakening the walls between universes and inviting the bad Lovecraftian things. Do the heroes give up their powers, especially given that kaiju are about to attack the city? And is it all secretly a ploy by their arch-enemies, Malice in Plunderland?