Monday, November 18, 2019

One Hallowe'en leftover


I posted these in the Facebook group but didn't put them here. Clearly I have a Halloween mindset still.

Kid Cthulhu

Origin: Transformed
Real name: Levar Spinoza

(Image: Essentially a mind-flayer in a leather motorcycle jacket.

5 5 3 4 6 7 10
Specialties Intimidation
  • Average (3) Extra Body Parts (tentacles)
  • Incredible (7) Telepathy
    • Extra: Psychic Weapon
    • Limit: Extra only
  • Incredible (7) Energy Drain (vs Will)
  • Average (3) Flight
    • Limit: must drain energy first
  • Street smart
  • Mean and vindictive
  • Dreams of bigger things

For some reason, this says 1950s to me, so Levar Spinoza was a punk. They tried to knock over the wrong place, a front for the Science Mob, loaded with mutagens and whatnot, when both Levar and Frank Wallie were affected. It hit each of them in different ways. The store owner died screaming, helped along by Levar's shiv. The shop went up in flames...Levar managed to get away, but he thought Frankie was dead too.

Afterwards, Levar was different. There was no way he could go back to a regular life. Now, he's got tentacles that let him feed off the life force of others, what Frankie calls "vril," and he never loses his knife: it's part of his very being, formed from his mind. If he's hopped up on vril, he he can even fly for a little while.

He doesn't have a lot of influence yet, but he will. Oh, he will.

Wall O' Frank

Look, Frank didn't have a lot of prospects. When you're six-two but have a club foot, the football teams don't come after you, right? And besides, Frank's always been a follower, instead of a leader...that's why he hooked up with Levar.

Origin: Artificial
Real name: Franklin Wallie

(Image: A cross between the very bad makeup in I Was A Teenage Frankenstein and the Kingpin.)

4 4 8 3 3 3 11
  • Arts (poetry)
  • Martial Arts
  • Wrestling
  • Supreme (10) Life Support
  • Poor (2) Duplication
    • Extra: Split Body Parts
    • Limit: Extra only
  • Fair (4) Damage Resistance
  • Fire! One of the things that killed me the first time!
  • Soul of a beat poet
  • "Whatever you say, Kid."

Yeah, when the building went up in flames, Frankie was scared as all get out. He was afraid he was going to die, what with jars exploding and flames licking around and mutagen spread everywhere and the dead shopkeeper there.

And he was right. Frankie died that night.

He didn't stay dead, though. Something (or some combination of somethings) put him back together. And maybe not all the parts are originally his.

If a part gets lopped off, he can command it—he can send a hand into a room to strangle someone, or pull on an eye hard enough to remove it and leave it there for lookout.

And when he puts it back, it just grafts there with no extra scars.

Frankie doesn't have the curiosity to ask what brought him back to life, or why. If he thought about it, he'd know there's a reason, but he's happier being a follower.

Mr. Shoggoth

Origin: Birthright

Real name: varies

And one more just because it came to me.

3 4 7 4 3 6 13
  • Athletics (Master)
  • Business
Powers Huge amorphous beast:
  • Amazing (8) Growth
  • Great (6) Transform (ojbects)
    • Extras: Animals, Humanoids, Effect: Stretching
  • Great (6) Aura (Mental Blast)
    • Extras: Ranged, Broadcast
    • Limit: Not when Transform is being used
  • The normal form is the mind-bending one
  • Money is points in the game
  • The game is everything

Normally, Mr. Shoggoth has enough wit to keep from normal appearance, but should it forget, then everyone who sees it/he/she suffers from what in Call of Cthulhu would be a SAN loss. It functions as something automatic. I suppose technically you knock him out and he gets sanity-blastingly ugly. (He should also grow to Growth 8, but I'm willing to elide that.)

If you want Lovecraftian horrors in your game, Mr. Shoggoth is literally a shoggoth, a relic of olden times created by the Old Ones as a servitor.

If you don't, Mr. Shoggoth is (a) an escaped experiment, (b) an alien (and there might an interesting rivalry with Octofather), or (c) a mutant.

Mr. Shoggoth might be a financier of some kind or a mob boss. What's important is he makes lots of money. Maybe he's a billionaire real estate tycoon running for President in the 2020 election?

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