Tuesday, May 14, 2019



Daniel Hodge. People who don't like him call him Hodgepodge.

Meet Dan Hodge. Dan has a couple of abilities that are really useful but don't make him capable of fighting or stealing focus from the players. (Even though he's in the bodyguard business.)

First of all, Dan has Transform. He can make himself look exactly like someone else, which is useful in the bodyguard biz. But even better: Dan can shoot a gun like an Olympic-level marksman.

Sounds good, right? And you add in the fact that Dan can duplicate himself five times, well, he sounds just like a focus-stealing GM character.


Dan is a coward.

He might copy someone and send the duplicates out...but never himself. He sits in the safe house and sends the duplicates off as decoys. He can shoot (and so can his duplicates) but damage them...and they go away.

When people know that Hodgepodge is on the case, well, weapons tend to involve lots of playing cards flying through the air and giving paper cuts. Or area effect tasers.

But Dan gets by.

Except for the day when he duplicates a teenage girl, and five of his duplicates go out with the girl—

And she's specifically targeted without harming his duplicates.


That's when he comes to the PCs for help.

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